We’ve heard it said that power is changing in the earth. Power structures that once were, are giving way to the power structures of a new era. What once held sway is losing its sway and even the very poles of the earth are shifting in testimony to it. The nations of the earth of are transforming and hegemonic power is changing form. Death is ripping through and attempting to impose its reign upon many facets of the estate of the sons of men. At the same time many things are being or poised to be born. Prayer is the power pivot in all of these factors that will play a determining role in what will be.
We’ve heard it said that power is changing in the earth. Power structures that once were, are giving way to the power structures of a new era. What once held sway is losing its sway and even the very poles of the earth are shifting in testimony to it. The nations of the earth of are transforming and hegemonic power is changing form. Death is ripping through and attempting to impose its reign upon many facets of the estate of the sons of men. At the same time many things are being or poised to be born. Prayer is the power pivot in all of these factors that will play a determining role in what will be.
Kingdom Access: Opening Doors to Supernal Power
Amongst other things, prayer is a door. The church’s altar is the door by which the kingdom of heaven enters into the earth, and we are experiencing rapid entrance and alterations of the otherworldly in our time. Prayer gives the otherworldly entrance. This is something Christ was referring to in his Matthew 6 model when he said, ‘thy kingdom come’. Christ was also referencing the power of prayer or the altar as a door in Matthew 18, when he said, whatsoever we bound or loosed on earth would be bound or loosed in heaven. Altars open and shut things between the realm of the spirit and earth. Prayer provides a transit system for the supernatural and the supernal. Daniel is one biblical model we could look to in understanding this further. The account listed in Daniel 10 states:
[Dan 10:11-12 KJV] 11 And he said unto me, O Daniel, a man greatly beloved, understand the words that I speak unto thee, and stand upright: for unto thee am I now sent. And when he had spoken this word unto me, I stood trembling. 12 Then said he unto me, Fear not, Daniel: for from the first day that thou didst set thine heart to understand, and to chasten thyself before thy God, thy words were heard, and I am come for thy words.
The angel essentially says to Daniel your words, your prayers, opened a door in the realm of the spirit and became a highway upon which the answer was being transported into the earth. What we pray and what we don’t pray matters, because altars are doors determining what has access between the two realms of the earth and the heavenlies.
The activity of these doors points to the nature of prayer as a mechanism as well. Prayer is an agency by which the purposes of God are accomplished. Mechanism (2017) is also defined as, “an assembly of moving parts performing a complete functional motion, often being part of a large machine”. Prayer itself has several moving parts which is why Ephesians 6:18 informs us that there are various kinds or genus of prayer and we are to pray with all of them. When we use all kinds of prayer executing them strategically and appropriately they complete a functional motion. They produce the will of God being done in the earth as it is in the heaven. Additionally, prayer is a part of the large machine and overall moving parts of the kingdom. It functions as a key mechanism amongst other mechanisms identified in scripture. We can understand it to be a key mechanism from the numerous times scripture accounts Christ in prayer (Mark 1:35-36, Lk 6:12-13, Mark 6:46, Lk 9:28-29, Lk 22:31-32, Lk 23:46).
Altars can also be described as engines. Engines (2017) are “machines that convert thermal energy into mechanical energy or power to produce force and motion”. The church’s current prayer malady has caused us at times to produce a lot of thermal energy but not mechanical energy. We at times have a lot of “prayer heat” but we lack “prayer mechanics”. We hold prayer gatherings where we are hot and bothered and religiously agitated, but we are not generating effects that shift our climate and society. We need the power that prayer was designed to produce for us. We need our governments, our economies, our institutions, etc. to be driven by the power of our prayer. Prayer should not only produce power, but it should convert it. Prayer should lead us into meaningful applications of the power that our altars generate.
If we can receive it, the future will be shaped by travailing emancipators. These travailing emancipators will be those with a prayer and a plan. Those who are able to convert the throes of the spirit upon the altar of God into truth births, wisdom disseminations and knowledge strategies that will change the current trajectory of our globe. The church can no longer pray for the sake of exercise. She must pray for execution. The eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the earth in this time looking for the travailing emancipators that the Lord will show himself strong TO and IN. The wheels of the altar are turning….
Are you one of God's travailing emancipators?
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